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System Thinking

Product / Service Ecology

Design for Healthcare 

Designing healthcare solutions for knee osteoarthritis

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4 weeks, Mar - Apr 2024


User Research, Journey mapping,
System design, UX design


Professor Hugh Dubberly
Physiotherapist Jui Bane

On Mrs. Vera Jason's last day at work, she eagerly anticipates her upcoming Europe trip with her husband and walks around European streets. 

However, with pain persisting for three months, stiffness worsening over the past 2-3 days, and difficulty bending her knee, sitting to standing, and climbing stairs were as difficult as climbing mountains.

Their travel plans are thrown into uncertainty. 😓

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What is Knee Osteoarthritis?

a degenerative joint disease caused by the breakdown of cartilage between joint bones

affects the entire joint, including the tissues around it. It is most common in the knees, hips, spine and hands

a history of joint injury, pre disposing factors of Knee OA can start by 25-30, older age and being overweight

What happens to knee joints?

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What is missing in current feedback loop?

Welcome to Joint help!

How is everything connected?


Mrs. Vera on-boarding screens to create her profile

Tracking Mrs. Vera’s live knee-angle indication

Mrs. Vera’s checking her daily angle status and doing recommended exercise

Mrs. Vera progress tracked by physiotherapist, and send message to her

Mrs. Vera’s improved feedback loop using Joint help


Impacts in Vera’s life, and excited to go to her Europe trip!

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